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    Your Education Media Partners

  • Our Story

    Storyboard EMP

    We are entrepreneurs, educators, writers, and video producers. We’re also veteran professionals who go out into the field and do the work. Most of all, we’re actual humans who value common decency over the bottom line. There are no manuals for what we do. So here at Storyboard, we create them. We find the experts, put them in the studio, and beam their knowledge to you. Our podcasts, webinars, conferences and courses are polished, but personal. Check out our work, and learn because you want to.

    Storyboard EMP. Your Education Media Partners.

  • Our Professional Education Brands

    We launched Storyboard EMP because we wanted to make professional education that’s worth your time. As professionals in these industries, we’ve endured the other kind of CE (the not good kind). At Storyboard, we respect our fellow professionals and work hard to build courses that will make you think and help you in your day-to-day work. And as media veterans, we make sure the writing, audio, and videos we create are polished to a professional sheen — but with a no-nonsense, human touch.

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    Appraiser eLearning

    Useful, engaging CE and training for working appraisers who are out there measuring, researching, and appraising every day

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    Agent eLearning

    Timely and relevant real estate CE, presented by active Texas agents and brokers who are also the industry’s best instructors

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    PI Education

    20 years of quality CE for professional investigators, taught by experts in due diligence, defense investigations, and more

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    Valuation Expo

    Since 2003, Val Expo is the biggest and buzziest conference for valuation professionals in the U.S., held every August in Las Vegas.

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    Appraisal Buzz

    The top newsletter, magazine, and podcast for valuation professionals, and the host of Valuation Expo

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    Pursuit Magazine

    Online magazine by and for professional investigators to share gumshoe know-how and hard-won lessons from the field

  • Our Appraisal Conferences

    We host the three top conferences in North America for valuation professionals. At Valuation Expo, the Appraisal Summit, and ACTS, the best minds in our industry come together to exchange ideas and help shape the future of our profession.

    Valuation Expo

    Valuation Expo

    August 11th-13th, 2025
    Caesars Palace | Las Vegas, NV
    View more details...
    Appraiser's Conference and Trade Show

    Appraiser's Conference and Trade Show

    April 5-8, 2025
    San Antonio, TX
    View more details...
    Appraisal Summit and Trade Show

    Appraisal Summit and Trade Show

    September 28-30, 2025
    Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino | Las Vegas, NV
    View more details...
  • Our Team

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    Jim McLeod


    A lifelong entrepreneur, Jim has sold Christmas trees since he was a teenager. In 1992, he founded InfoCode Corp, a geo database integration firm. He oversees Storyboard’s big-picture ops and keeps the books in order.

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    Hal Humphreys


    Hal is a lifetime appraiser and criminal defense investigator. He teaches courses for appraisers and PIs, hosts the Appraisal Buzzcast and Sound of Pursuit podcasts, and manages day-to-day operations at Storyboard.

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    Bryan Reynolds

    Partner & Lead Instructor, Appraiser eLearning

    Bryan is a practicing appraiser and CDEI-certified instructor who teaches USPAP and many other courses for appraisers. He hosts the Appraisal Update podcast and the Appraisal Report webinar.

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    Kim Green

    Creative Director

    Kim is a writer, editor, author, and radio journalist. She has a hand in anything that involves words, video, or audio, from producing podcasts and online video courses to editing Appraisal Buzz magazine and PursuitMag.

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    Ben Maxwell

    Director of Education, Agent & Appraiser eLearning

    Ben recruits and collaborates with our instructors at Agent and Appraiser eLearning, shepherds CE courses from conception through state compliance, and does it all with an evil grin.

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    Stephanie Mitchell

    Director, PI Education

    Stephanie is a P.I. and paralegal and has managed PI Education since long before we acquired it in 2012. She collaborates with instructors, handles CE compliance, and fields support calls like a career diplomat.

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    Doug Hayes

    Business Systems Administrator

    Doug started at InfoCode in 2007 as a GIS specialist and evolved to become Storyboard’s jack-of-all-trades, deftly handling everything from IT operations to customer support. If there’s a tech problem, Doug will solve it.

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    Jim Morrison

    VP, Marketing & Partnerships

    With over 15 years in real estate, Jim is a rockstar marketer and connector—the man to call when you’ve got industry news to share. He’s the brains behind Appraisal Buzzcast and the friendliest man in any room.

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    Diana Terrell

    Office Manager

    Diana Terrell wrangles state CE approvals, helps keep the books in order, and fields helpline calls with supreme courtesy. Diana's ordered brain, diplomacy skills, and sharp wit make Storyboard a more delightful workplace.

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    Karen Connolly

    VP of Operations

    Karen is a masterful problem-solver and expert planner of professional conferences. As maestro of Val Expo, she loves putting together a great event with happy attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors. Karen is also a sculptor working in metal and fused glass.

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    Claire Scott

    Education Manager

    Claire manages logistics and scheduling for Appraiser eLearning. She books podcast guests, organizes the live-education calendar, and moderates our live- Zoom classes with good cheer. Claire is also a new mom.

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    Aaliyah Terrell

    Marketing Manager

    Aaliyah is a copywriter and email marketing expert who loves to apply her creativity and wordsmithery to Appraisal Buzz and our other email newsletters. Aaliyah is also a self-published author and a new mom.

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    Heidi Reuter

    Education Support Specialist

    A recent graduate of Butler University, Heidi learns fast and makes herself useful in many ways, from moderating Zoom classes to learning the ropes of conference planning. Her mix of confidence, curiosity, and wit make her a delight to work with.

  • You've got knowledge. Time to step up and share it.

    Are you ready to share your professional expertise with the world? Are you ready to be a thought leader in your industry? Get in touch. 


    Tell us about you, your industry, and what you'd like to share.



    3314 West End Ave, Suite 101
    Nashville, TN 37203
    Mon-Fri, 9-5 CT
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    • What are your privacy policies?

    At Storyboard EMP, value your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process orders and never share it with anyone outside of our company.

    • What information does Storyboard EMP collect, and how do we use it?

    When you order, we ask for your name, e-mail address, mailing address, credit card number, and credit card expiration date. We use this information to fill your order and notify you of your order status.

    To fulfill professional licensure requirements, we ask for the following information: (1) your name, (2) address, (3) telephone number, (4) e-mail address, (5) state license number(s), (6) company or agency affiliation (7) course history information. If you communicate with us by e-mail or complete online forms or surveys, we may also collect that information. We monitor customer site traffic to help us design the site but collect no identifying information about users to accomplish this.

    We may also use the information we collect to occasionally notify you about changes to the website, new services, and special offers we think you’ll find valuable. If you'd rather not receive this information, let us know.

    • How does Storyboard EMP protect customer information? 

    StoryboardEMP uses the latest encryption technology to keep your personal information safe. All ordering information, including your name, address, and credit card number, is encrypted using a secure server for maximum security. Your credit card and billing information cannot be read as it travels to our ordering system. To ensure that your information is even more secure, we will never see or be in possession of your credit card information. Credit card transactions are handled by a third-party financial institution, which receives the credit card number and other personal identifying information only to verify the credit card numbers and process transactions. If you feel more comfortable calling in your credit card information, call us at 615-953-350. When we complete your transaction, you'll receive your order number via our confirmation e-mail.

    • Will Storyboard EMP disclose my personal information to outside parties? 

    Storyboard EMP does not sell, rent, or loan our customers’ personal information (including customers’ names and shipping, billing, and e-mail addresses) to anyone outside of our company. We take your trust very seriously, so the only messages you receive will be from us. This includes automatic order and shipping confirmation e-mails generated upon receipt of your order. Storyboard EMP may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-party vendors, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information. Storyboard EMP may release account information when we believe, in good faith, that such release is reasonably necessary to (1) comply with law, (2) enforce or apply the terms of any of our user agreements, or (3) protect the rights, property, or safety of Storyboard EMP, our users, or others.


    • What are your terms and conditions?


    No part of Storyboard EMP content may be resold, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


    Storyboard EMP and all publications contained herein are designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.


    The material may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. StoryboardEMP makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the our websites or the material. The use of our websites and the material is at your own risk. Changes are periodically made to the websites and may be made at any time. The websites and material are provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind. PIeducation.com and its owners, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement. StoryboardEMP and its owners make no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the material, services, software, text, graphics, and links.

    Any violation regarding our rights and singular use and benefit of intellectual property owned by StoryboardEMP or its owners will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.